Mental health. It’s a phrase that is used increasingly. But some may ask – what exactly is it?
A helpful article by Mind helps to explain mental health problems in general and over the coming months our blog articles will take a look at some common mental health issues in more detail.
Mental health may be compared to physical health in that we all have it and we all need to look after it. Times of poor mental health may affect the way we think, feel and act. Sometimes we may feel completely unable to cope, this may be much worse than a period of physical illness for example.
A mental health problem can be upsetting, particularly if you fear it means it is a sign of weakness or that you feel out of control. Mental health issues are often portrayed negatively in the media, which doesn’t help considering how common they actually are. Awareness raising, such as Mental Health Awareness week, has fortunately done a lot to increase general awareness of mental health concerns. We would also like to address this lack of awareness – watch out for our blog series on this topic, our next blog explains a little more about one of the most common mental health issues – Depression.
Remember support is out there! You are not alone. For more info please don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of our counsellors today.
Find out more from the following article at Mind, the mental health charity >