Feeling suicidal during these anxious times?

Feeling suicidal during these anxious times?

There are many added reasons why these times we have been living in are so difficult – increased isolation, ill health, money worries and uncertainty over when it is all going to end to name a few.

feeling suicidal, get help and support from Rainbow Counselling ServicesWhilst for some these may be minor issues, for others they might be catastrophic, life-altering and/or contribute to increased thoughts of suicide.

Living with suicidal thoughts can be a very lonely place and many will testify that talking about these thoughts with a trusted friend or trained professional can really help. This article also offers some helpful advice, in addition to suggested telephone helplines at the end, for those who may be feeling suicidal.

Remember support is out there for you! You are not alone. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of our counsellors today.

Read more on this related topic from Patient Info:
What to do if you feel suicidal during the coronavirus lockdown >

The Samaritans – support available 24/7. Visit their website: www.samaritans.org or call 116 123 FREE.