Finding ways to combat Climate Anxiety

Finding ways to combat Climate Anxiety

The hottest topic in the news at the moment is the climate crisis and let’s face it, it’s an issue that affects us all.

Many of us are understandably worried about what is happening in our world and we can feel anxious and at times, powerless, to change things.

Did you know this state of anxiety has a name – ‘Eco-anxiety’? The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy has commissioned research which finds that 23% of us are worried about the future due to concern over climate change (see the link to their article here for more stats on this).

Looking for some ways to help with this anxiety?

BACP recommends finding ways to talk about it, to process your thoughts and feelings, to receive validation that you are not alone. Give others time to talk – rifts are happening in families with 10% saying the issue has caused arguments between parents and children. Take time to hear someone else’s perspective. Practice regular self-care and avoid ‘doom-scrolling’ and sole focus on the negative. Reconnecting with nature is also a great anti-stressor and is a fantastic way of remembering that you are part of something bigger. To find out more please visit this article on BACP’s website >

And of course here at Rainbow our team of counsellors can help you to work through some of the issues related to this as well. If you would like to book an appointment with a Rainbow counsellor, please send us a message with a brief explanation of your situation and we will recommend a counsellor to meet your needs.​

Being there for a loved one with anxiety

Being there for a loved one with anxiety

Whether you have been loving or loathing lockdown one thing’s for certain – for many people it has raised anxiety about many things: money, job security and health to name a few.

Online Counselling Services at Rainbow, SheffieldPerhaps you are feeling anxious on behalf of someone else – a family member whose job is at risk, a single friend who is living alone and isolated or an elderly parent with pre-existing health issues.

This helpful article by the rTMS Centre highlights some ways you can help someone who is experiencing anxiety. Being there for them in a non-pressurised way and distracting them with other helpful things may support them in this phase of their journey.

Also important in these times (and always) is the importance of self care. The article reminds us that key to supporting someone is to be aware of our own boundaries and limits so that we can realistically offer something that is concrete and sustainable. Read more about the article at the rTMS Centre >

Remember support is out there! You are not alone. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of our counsellors today.

Clear your phone and clear your mind

Clear your phone and clear your mind

Many of us can spend up to four hours a day on our phones, whether that’s on social media, looking up or ordering something, or just passing the time of day.

Clear your mind and your phone with a digital detox and start the year focussing on being in the present and being relationship-focussed for a healthier and clearer mind.

The link below to an article, by Mozilla (Firefox), has some great tips for how to reduce the temptation to be constantly on your phone or device. Ideas include making apps grayscale so they seems less appealing, and moving essential apps only to be in your line of vision. Check it out for some great tips to get your year off to a better start. Find out more >

Help banish January blues with some self care

Help banish January blues with some self care

Christmas is over, your money has run out and daylight hours are short. It’s that time of year when many people can start to feel a little down in the dumps.

banish January bluesIt’s never too early or too late to find some self care strategies which can work for you. Mind offer some excellent tips on self care…

Top of the list is awareness of your mood and self esteem – know those things that affect you and spot warning signs early. Seek to always be in some form of contact with others as loneliness can be debilitating. Make time for things you love and that nourish you. And last but not least, look after your physical health.

Check out the full article here > and also take note of the contact details for some specialist organisations that Mind suggest, should you feel you need that little extra bit of support.

To make an appointment with a Rainbow counsellor, send us a message or call us on 07789 157 300.